Sunday, July 10, 2016

100% Determined, 100 Subscribers - Reflections on Motherhood and YouTube

Our first real give away was a flop, well it was our second give away. 

The first give away was for a Minecraft blind box - no one entered, except one guy, but I married that guy, so it doesn't count. This new give away actually had four entries! The first-place winner was randomly selected, and a second-place winner was chosen to commemorate our 100th subscriber! That's right Tubey Toys now has over 100 subscribers. I am not sure how fast other channels have grown, but I have only been posting videos for two months, and have contributed about 75% of my time to networking; I think Tubey Toys did pretty well! It just goes to show you that some determination goes a long way, so never give up. I'm not talking like I have one million subscribers, but it still feels good that 100 people are supporting your work, and not necessarily watching, but supporting the channel. I look forward to gaining a bigger following. 

In addition to determination, you really need luck. You need that one video that's going to either make people laugh, cry, angry, or hate you. I need that! Tubey Toys has morphed into toy collector channel mixed in with funny skits. I finally feel like I found a voice with that. Things I used to do as a child, I can now incorporate in my adult life, and it makes me feel young again! Not only does it get my creativity and imagination working again, I get to bond with my son, niece and nephews more.

Becoming a mom to my beautiful boy is the most amazing, thrilling experience ever in my life, and I love him more than words can say. As a woman though, I feel like becoming a mother has exhausted me, physically and emotionally drained me of strength and my brain power, put my body through hell, and took away my opportunity for independence. As silly as it is, Tubey Toys allows me to escape back to my childhood, but I am not escaping entirely, I am taking the kids with me, and we're learning, playing, and having fun together. I know what my son is watching on YouTube, because I am monitoring it closer than ever. There are a TON of weirdos on there. 

Some kids are also your worst critics. I have gotten a few dislikes on my videos before, but I got my first negative comment. It was just the word, "bad." It was not constructive criticism, it was just "bad," and it played out in my head like a dying sheep -- baaaa-aaaa-aad. I responded with a passive "thank you," but I deleted it shortly after responded. I was embarrassed for the comment and embarrassed that I deleted the comment. Kids are your biggest critics!

You should take this away from my post: don't give up on your channel, because you will find your voice, if you love what you're than that is all that matters, and if your videos are directed towards kids, be prepared to get served. 


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