Monday, July 9, 2018

Toy Review: Stepping Stones Casting Kit by Skullduggery Easy to Follow Crafts for Kids!

Get crafting this summer! Step into a world of creativity and fun with the Stepping Stones Casting Kit by Skullduggery. Perfect for your garden, or use for indoor decor. The 10 x 10-inch stepping stone artfully crafted by your little one will be one to always treasure!

SHAKE IT UP! For three minutes straight!

Simple to use, the casting kit is geared for ages eight and up, but my four-year-old and I had so much fun doing each step together. The easy to follow instructions are so simple to follow so your kiddo won’t have any problems with this project working alone. However, I would suggest supervising the parts with mixing the mold and pouring - I even made a bit of a mess! Pro tip: fill the mold in the final place where you plan on setting the stone to dry. I didn’t, and ended up having to make breakfast around a drying stepping stone! The stone dries fast - it’s supposed to take an hour, but I allowed ours to set a bit longer to ensure that every part was completely bone dry. 

Add your letters and decorations!

Super cool!


Uh-oh! I made a boo-boo! That's okay! Watch what I do to correct this!

Easily prepare your mold by writing in one-inch letters your message outside of the plastic mold. Included with the set are a collection of reversed varsity font style letters and little images. You can use this set to memorialize a loved one like your pet who crossed the rainbow bridge because it even includes paw prints and other sweet sentimental images. If you would like your stepping stone to have a darker tint, add in some dark paint from the included paint set to tint your set! We kept ours as is, and decided to paint it ourselves. Mixing is fun, and be sure to add the exact amount of water, and mix for a full three minutes! Pour the mixture into the mold, and allow time to dry! Once removed, you can sand the edges to complete your stone.

Removing the dried stone from the mold was very easy, and the stepping stone did not require sanding of the edges at all! I messed up the stencils a bit, but all can easily be corrected with paint. If your child is creating the stone, it’s their creativity that you want to shine, so mistakes are always okay! Like everything we do, we turned this experience into a lesson. You can tint your stone with the paint pots provided, however, you were limited to your colors. Thankfully, primary colors were provided, and we mixed them to make our own unique blends and secondary colors. 

I messed up one of the letters, and my own stencil! 

Mistakes are okay! You can fix your mistakes with the paint provided!

Not too bad!

Now it's my kiddo's turn to decorate!

Viewing the world through his eyes is colorful like his art!

He is explaining that you can mix the colors to make new ones! We mixed red and yellow to make orange! We also mixed yellow and blue to make green!

The end result: a masterpiece!

There are other craft kits perfect for indoor and outdoor craft activities: look for Perfect Crafts products by Skullduggery that you may be interested in like Gestures (#07720), which molds your child’s hands into familiar signs - like the peace sign. I would suggest getting a few of these kits, and you can spell out something in sign language! Wouldn’t it be sweet if someone did a bunch of molds that said “Marry Me” in sign language? Be still my heart! Another fun kit by Skullduggery is the clay pot decorating kit (#07774), which is a great addition to the Stepping Stones set! Take it a step further and incorporate even more educational with the CRAFTY alphabet set! This set includes an alphabet mold that you can use again and again! Spell out words of encouragement, or sentiments for your loved ones. 

Big thank you to Skullduggery for sending us Stepping Stones for our review; we truly enjoyed this product and highly recommend it for kids and adults! Check out our youtube video! We decided to display our Stepping Stone indoors!

Find Stepping Stones on Amazon for $19.99. More products including Perfect Crafts can be found on Amazon as well! 

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